About the project.
Career counseling is a process that helps students and adults discover their abilities, interests, and values to make informed career decisions. Includes self-assessment, career research, exploring educational options, and career planning with a counselor. It is offered in schools, universities, non-profit organizations and career centers, as well as professional development programs in companies.
The problem that many American students do not know what career to follow to forge their future and to this are also added other questions, how to find out in which university these careers are given, the costs and the duration, and all this information is received from each place and the student has to look for it, summarize it and compare it. All these variables become important when deciding and in the end it ends up being something complex.
For this reason, I see the need to create and implement a web platform capable of processing this requirement in an effective and automated way. It is an online Artificial Intelligence (AI) service so that high school students can consult you about their vocational guidance.